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Simple yet particular on certain tinny things.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


最近, 只有一个字可以形容, 忙忙忙。。。。。

逸宁四个月大了, 变得越来越顽皮, 她醒着的时间都要人陪, 虽然我买了许多的玩具, 以为她可以自己打发, 但是看来我还是太天真了, 她无论如何就是要一个伴。 所以我所有的时间就是等于她的了, 她虽然还是一天会有三次的小睡时段, 但是我还是很难找到自己的时间, 每天就好像和时间赛跑, 总有做不完的家务, 洗不完的衣服, 烫不完的衣服, 还要给她冲凉, 喂奶。。。。

我, 觉得好累!好不不容易,上?周末有个偷闲的机会, 但是却把自己搞的更累。 我盼望时间过得快点, 我好想念一觉到天亮的满足感, 好怀念可以静静享受一盘的食物, 好期待能好好的放松自己。。。

累, 不是因为每天需要做着重覆的东西, 而是因为就算我作得再怎么好, 我的前面背后都有很多声音。
两个星期前, 很不幸的病倒了, 我还是一样的自己照顾逸宁, 根本不用想把她交给别人, 最后不但没迎来赞美, 还被家公责备说我因为没作运动所以才生病。 哦, 我的天呀。。。眼泪当下流出来, 我不是没有父母的孩子, 你们怎么可以这样对待别人的女儿, 换着是我的父母, 他们只要听到我不舒服, 就会很关心!当时候我也不管他是我的长辈了, 我回应他说, 要我怎么作运动, 谁来帮我看孩子, 我去运动, 那我的孩子怎么办!!!!他竟然会我说: 可以早点起来运动。 他难道不知道晚上我要起身喂奶, 我睡眠已经很有限了, 在早起, 我很快会到下来。

心里头的委屈, 没有人能了解。 为什么自己的女儿迟醒就是天公地议, 作媳妇的却要早起, 为什么女儿可以吃饱就挥衣袖走人, 却要一个抱着孩子的媳妇来善后。 逸宁六个星期大时, 老公出门公干, 我自个儿带着孩子守着这房子, 每天对着我的孩子, 妈妈看了可怜我, 所以就到家来帮忙, 但是后面却有声音!和婆家虽然住得相当的近, 但是我还是需要亲力亲为, 不敢奢望我可以把孩子放下。 孩子到来之后, 家婆即可就想我提出校我会公司帮忙, 说什么她会帮忙代孩子, 但是问题是她的社交活动很多, 我岂可期待她来帮我带孩子。 有时候老公看 我忙得气 建议请个女佣来减轻我的负担, 但是我却不敢点头, 因为家婆说了他要请个女佣来帮她拔草, 而且需住在我家但却不是帮我代孩子, 与其这样, 我到不如不要点头让一个的三者住在家, 却没给我带来人和益处。。。

再来每天都是我和女儿在一起, 我无微不至的付出, 到后来我只领功的却是偶尔才抱抱她的奶奶, 真是气人!!

我只想上来申诉, 没有任何意思。


  1. Hi, I'm SuMing's friend. Be still, when we are tire, pray to Jesus, seek his mercy and help. I sure everything is worth the moment the baby smile at u.
    A passerby

  2. Thanks...

    yup everything is worth when she smile to me

  3. I think your problem wasn’t a big problem if you compare with my best friend! It’s only between you and your parents in law. Why do you worry so much? If your husband treats you like what your parents in law do, how do you feel then? It’s worst if your husband is a Christian! Just to share with you how my best friend is facing until today after married for many years.

    Her husband just behaves like your parents in law. Indeed he is worst than your parents in law. Actually, as a husband, he needs to provide, to protect and should care all the needs of his own family instead of pushing all the responsible to the wife. For my friend’s situation, she needs to support in term of financial and her times, etc. She got no day and night also. Her husband works as quite high position in the company and his family are rich too. But her husband asked her to spend all her money and the salary that she earned to contribute for their household expenses. Even when hers in law needs to go for operation, also asked money from her! Do you think ridiculous or not?

    When my friend felt that she was treated unfair by her husband, so she complained! But do you know what the result is? Her husband said to her if she’s not happy, she can go out from the house. If not, she needs to obey and submit to him no matter what? Because he said that he is the HEAD of HOUSE and she needs to follow his command. Worst thing is he told her that his own family members are hers and her own family is no longer hers. Just because she married to him! She cannot simply give hers parents’ money unless she asks for approval from him. Because of his selfishness, so when he wants to give money to his family, he hides from her. Is he cunning or not? to be continued...

  4. When hers in law visit them, she needs to serve them. Because her husband told her that she is his servant! Because of under pressure by her husband, she got sick and yet her husband said that she’s lack of exercise! Is it exactly likes your father in law?

    I tell you not only that, my friend’s husband keeps in touch with his office ladies staff! He was caught by my friend when he tried to email to his lady staff. My friend told him how can he do that? He replied to her nothing wrong! There was a time that he followed the lady staff to the office alone for many days. When my friend told him that’s not so good if others see! Yet he said to my friend that she’s too sensitive. Come on, to me is just a beginning. When someone starts to change, there are always a lot of excuses. He’s always a Mr. Right…! No wonder he told my friend that he was very happy when he is working just because he enjoyed with the ladies in the office! Anyway, until today he still contacts the ladies. Chinese always say “Like Father like Son” Like to fool around!

    I don’t know why these people never think of it before they do. Even though we want to help others but we need to see the situation. We always think that is our pleasure to help but we sometimes forgot the way we do will hurt or misunderstanding other people. God always gives us wisdom! to be continued...

  5. If I want to put every single story about my friend, I think not enough time to share to you all. Do you know because of all these things happen to my friend, she ever thinking of commits suicide! She’s really despaired. I told her to be faithful, be patient, keep her heart in pure and pray! I know we can’t feel what she felt and the hurt that she carried each day. The only thing is to hope that her husband will wake up one day. I mean spiritual awake!

    The book of Galatians 6:7 said “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” So, do you all think this is a good testimony for those who are not Christian? By the way, my friend’s husband looks so committed in his spiritual life. Very discipline person but I tell you all these are liar. Double faced and foolish man! This is what we call immature Christian married man! He will reap what he sows! I am very sad to see that.

    Always remember that if you are ladies, please consult or share your problem with ladies. If you are a man consult it’s with a man. Don’t try deceiving yourself. If you have no choice, please bring someone be a witness. Hope these sharing will help you all learn from it and ask more wisdom from God each day in your daily life. End of sharing.

  6. to the anonymous, thanks for the sharing.
    i really feel for your girl friend. there is nothing worst than betrayed by a man called husband.

  7. Very sad to read that sharing. So, to all people out there, if we have a friend among us that having the same problem, do our part to share with them instead of involve ourselves into people's marriage life.

    I know some people say only but they are deceiving themselves. They always think that nothing wrong for them to keep in touch with a man or a lady!

    For those who married, if someone try to contact with our wife or husband through internet, sms or telephone call just for busybody, how do you all feel then? I am sure some might say nothing wrong la.... But I tell you for those who are Christian, you need to go for counseling.

  8. For us, we are not surprise! We also encounter it before. We knew that there are some ladies and a man try to contact each others just because they want to know what's things going on. We are very sure that they still contact each others to find out more info. Very busybody! We too very sad to read that sharing. Hope these people stop doing it.
