孩子现在一次的食量是60-80ml, 每天需喂奶12次,我的奶水肯定是符合不了她的需求,所以我们还是必不得以的喂配方奶粉,选了很久,后来我们还是选择了羊奶粉,跟据统计,喝羊奶粉的宝宝比较少出现过敏阵状。卡洛塔妮是原自于纽西兰的天然羊奶粉,它和牛奶粉一样含盖基本所需的营养,而且它是最接近母奶的配方。
New Zealand's dairy goats are fed on the green and lush pastures of New Zealand. The high quality of food for the goats corresponds directly to the quality of milk that they produce. In most other countries of the world, goats are fed on processed meal and grain. New Zealand goat milk is rich in alpha-s2-casein, and not the alpha-s1-casein variant which is known to cause allergic reactions in some infants. goat milk are nutritionally close to human and have been shown to be an excellent source of nutrition.Goat milk is closer to human because the protein profile is more similiar. Goat milk protein forms smaller and finer curd and has more than double the typical amount of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) in cow milk. Goat milk protein is much easier to digest and absorb and hence children have less incidence of having indigestion or allergy.Goat milk has also been shown to contain high concentration of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) that is very low in cow milk. EGF is a natural ingredient in human milk. It promotes gut and cell development and recovery. An enzyme known as Platelet Activating Factor Acetyl Hydrolase, which can break down allergen, has also been isolated from goat milk during research.
The benefits of goat milk
Goat milk has natural bioactive factors such as nucleotides, taurine and polyamine which help to build up the immune system. Absorption of calcium, iron, copper and zinc is higher in goat milk than cow milk. Goat milk is also good for lung, stomach and intestine. So there are fewer incidences of cough, phlegm and indigestion. Feedback from parents that their children's asthma improve after a few months of taking Karihome goat milk.
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