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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Treasure your life!

There is another shock and sad new came to me again when i log in facebook yesterday. One of my coursemate has left us on monday. She die in a car crash while she is on her way back home.Although I am not that close to her but somehow this bad new keep remind me of her.

Life is really short and could be harsh at times. sometimes we might feel so disappointed for where we don't know the purpose of life. Sometimes we might complain why we work so hard for live and yet life is just too short. Sometimes we might feel so sadly when being told there is someone who we knew has left us.

We as human being, have no choice to live our life. We don't know when is the end of our life and we even can't predict when is our last day. But am sure we should really treasure every moment we have, try to live up our life to experience and balance with happiness and joys. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets for the reason you only live once. We find no reverse gear in our life and we can only keep moving forward. When things go wrong as they sometimes will, please don't give up. when the road you're heading seems all up hill, please move forward without any complaint. When you want to smile but stress of life pressing you down a bit, please try your best to do so too. Life is always queer with it's twists and turns. As everyone of us went through the life ourselve, we do learn somethings and of course this might be accompanied by failures at times but please dont give up and don't quit. You may succees with another blow or you maybe just a step close to the sucess. we never know the outcome if we turn away our direction.

Life ain't as easy as we thougth but still we should appreciate every moment we have. We should treasure life to the fullness and with no regrets when we stand in front of God at the end of our life. I would hope that i have no single talent left and would be able to tell God that " I used everything you gave me and I live up my life as what you planned for me" when i see God in one day.

* The post is written in the rememberance of one of my coursemate. RIP, Leena.

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